Standard Driver's Abstract
Purchase your own Standard Driver's Abstract for a 3, 5, or 10 year period. A printed copy of the digital download is required.
Price: $23.10 per abstract inclusive of service charge.
Please read Terms and Conditions and More Information before proceeding.
Sign in with Account
You need to sign in with a verified Account to use this service. You will temporarily leave this website to sign in or create an account. AccountA Standard Driver's Abstract provides information from an individual’s driving record, including:
- driver information (name, address, licence number and issue date, etc.)
- driver’s appearance (height, weight, sex, etc.)
- current status of the driver's licence
- conviction information
- demerit points
- suspensions.
The Driver's Abstract doesn’t show the individual's driving experience or the date first licensed.
Once your purchase has been completed, you can download your Standard Driver's Abstract from My Digital Downloads on the My Account section.
** Digital Download
Attention: Initial digital download of this product/service is only available between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm. If you are processing this request outside of these hours, your initial digital download will be available tomorrow at 6:00 am. Please note that it is an offence to alter or falsify, to be in possession of, or to use an altered or falsified document.
If the information on your Motor Vehicle file is not up to date, you must visit a registry agent to have the service completed. No refunds will be provided for this product and you will be responsible for the fees to update your driver’s abstract.
If the information provided does not match what is recorded in the Motor Vehicles System, you will not be able to proceed online and you will need to visit a registry agent.
The release of information from a Driver's Abstract is regulated by the Access to Motor Vehicle Information Regulation (AMVIR).
FOIP Information
In accordance with the Traffic Safety Act (TSA), Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (S.33) for motor vehicle services, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles collects personal information for the following purposes: to confirm the identity and eligibility of an individual for motor vehicle services and for motor vehicle records held by motor vehicles; investigation and enforcement; and for contact information, including the residential address in order or the personal serving of documents under the TSA. Questions about the collection of your personal information can be directed to Alberta Registries, Box 3140, Edmonton, AB T5J 2G7 or 780-427-7013, toll free 310-0000 within Alberta.
Find a Registry Agent
Select your registry agent. Registry agents offer registration, information and licensing services on behalf of government. The Government of Alberta is working collaboratively with registry agents to bring more government services online. You are not required to visit the selected registry agent.

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