Court of King's Bench Civil Search


Search for actions in Civil, Family, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Appeals, Surrogate - Estate, and Surrogate - Represented Adult.


Use this form to request a search of civil actions in Alberta Court of King's Bench, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number.

Please read further information and costs and disclaimer before proceeding.

Get Started
Begin Form
Order Form
Contact Information
Enter the name of the company making this request and provide the file number, if applicable.
Court Information

Note: Certificate of Divorce Requests can be found here.


Enter date (YYYY-MM-DD) of passing of the deceased, if available.

For requests of court documents, please select the court location where the matter was filed. Name searches are completed province wide.

Fee exempt means that certain individuals or entities are not required to pay the usual court fees.

Search Information

Urgent Search Requests include tender searches, documents required to make a court application, upcoming deadlines to file an Appeal and need to order transcripts that require clerk notes, Certified court documents for Land Titles, or where a previous filed order is required for a passport application.

First Name - Middle Initial - Last Name (i.e., JANE A. DOE or JANE A. TOM-SMITH)

Please select at least one (1) of the four options above to complete your Search Request. To View Court File, please include the Court File Number in ‘Other Instructions’ below.

If you have selected Search by Specific Action or Court File Number above, specify the action or court file number to be searched.

Copies are $1.00 per page.

If you are requesting a certified copy, provide your full mailing address.

Please note that additional fees may apply.

If you are requesting court documents on a family or divorce file, you must comply with the Court of King's Bench Family Practice Note 10.

Search and certification fees are payable pursuant to:

  • Court of King’s Bench – Schedule B of the Alberta Rules of Court

Response times for search results will vary depending on the volume and complexity of the search.

Further information and costs:

  • All name searches are province wide and court files are specific to a location.
  • Search by party name will produce a list of all the actions for or against the named person or company. This is sometimes referred to as a "litigation search".
  • The search fee is $10 to search for actions commenced by a party and $10 to search for actions against a party. Parties can be persons or companies.
  • If you know the action or court file number, or are searching for a specific action or court file (example Jane Doe vs. John Doe), choose the "Search by Action or Court File Number" option. The fee is $10.00 and will include a list of all documents filed.
  • Certification fee is $10.00 per document. You must include the document name to be certified.
  • Copies of Clerk's notes can be obtained by completing the name of party to be searched and action number fields. Please include the date if known.
  • Additional fees may be assessed by court offices, including photocopy fees.
  • If there are no search results, a statement to that effect will be forwarded by email.
  • Fee Exempt Searches - Certain individuals or entities may qualify for no-fee searches, meaning they are not required to pay the usual court fees. Proof may be required to verify eligibility for fee exemptions.

Appeal Heard in KB:

  • Appeals to the Court of King's Bench include appeals from decisions made in Provincial Court (family, civil, traffic and criminal summary conviction matters) and decisions made by an Applications Judge of the Court of King's Bench.
  • Appeals to the Court of Appeal include appeals from any decision of a Court of King's Bench judge or the verdict or finding of a jury, decisions of the Provincial Court in criminal indictment matters and in certain other matters where a right of appeal to the Court of Appeal is provided in legislation. If your request is for Court of Appeal records, those requests must be submitted directly to the Court of Appeal. Please visit the Court of Appeal's website at Court of Appeal of Alberta for contact information.

Certificate of Divorce:

Transcripts for Emergency Protection Order Review Hearings:

  • To obtain the transcript of evidence the applicant has given to the Court, read the notice that came with the Emergency Protection Order or contact your nearest court location.  There is no cost to the parties in the action for copies of the transcript.
Rules & Conditions


There may be documents filed or actions commenced that have not yet been recorded in our system; or other information that is not identifiable at this time. If the information on this form is not accurate with particular attention to the name, no guarantee can be made that the information will be located.


  • Refunds will not be processed for this service.
  • The fee covers the cost of processing your application and is required whether the information is located or not.
More Information

Contact Information for KBA Search Requests

Court Location         





Fort McMurray

Grande Prairie


Medicine Hat

Peace River

Red Deer

St. Paul


Please specify the following in your email subject line: FOLLOW UP SEARCH REQUEST – eSERVICES ORDER ID

FOIP Information

The personal information collected is for the administration of the MyAlberta eServices program. This collection is authorized by section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact a MyAlberta eServices Information Officer by email at, by phone at 1-844-643-2788 or by mail at P.O. Box 11966, Station Main, Edmonton Alberta T5J 3L1.