RTDRS Application Filing Fee and Other Fees


Use this form to pay the RTDRS fee for:

  • RTDRS Application Fees
  • Court Transfer Fees

Ensure that you make the correct selection and that you enter the correct RTDRS Case number (for court transfer fees). Once all fields are complete, click “Submit” and proceed to checkout.


After your payment has been processed, a receipt will be sent to the email address that you provided during the checkout process, or you can download a copy of the receipt on the order confirmation page.


Please contact the RTDRS at 780.644.4330 or 403.297.2861 to confirm that payment has been made. 

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Enter the case number ex. R22/001234, if you are paying the court transfer fee.


The Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS) is an alternative to the courts in resolving landlord and tenant disputes. The RTDRS is faster, less formal and less expensive than going to the courts. Landlords and tenants may make an application for remedies under the Residential Tenancies Act and/or the Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act.

Rules & Conditions

RTDRS application fee is $75.00. Your application will be processed once payment has been received.

When making payment for a court transfer fee select the amount indicated to you by the Information Officer.


  • Fees collected go toward the cost of processing your application and fees established by the courts for transfers.
  • Fees are non-refundable. 
  • Duplicate payment for the same fee may be subject to a refund. Refunds will be issued through the same payment method you used to make the purchase.
FOIP Information

The personal information collected is for the administration of the MyAlberta eServices program. This collection is authorized by section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact a MyAlberta eServices Information Officer by email at myalberta.eservices@gov.ab.ca, by phone at 1-844-643-2788 or by mail at P.O. Box 11966, Station Main, Edmonton Alberta T5J 3L1.