Private Career College - New Institution Application Fees

Pay Private Career College application fees for a new institution.

The base price for a new institution to submit one program application for licensing is $300. There is an additional fee of $100 for each additional licensing application submission. New institutions are also required to pay an Initial Licensing Fee of $800.

GST is not applicable to Application Fees.

Get Started
Begin Form
Order Form
Program(s) Fees

Enter the number of additional programs.

This payment system is only for institutions that have been provided an invoice. Please carefully follow the instructions provided to you by the Private Career Colleges Licensing Team to fill in your Order Form to avoid errors and delays in processing.
Rules & Conditions


  • Annual Licensing Fees and Application Fees are non-refundable.
  • If you make an error and overpay, a refund will be issued through the same payment method used to make the payment.
FOIP Information

The personal information collected is for the administration of the MyAlberta eServices program. This collection is authorized by section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact a MyAlberta eServices Information Officer by email at, by phone at 1-844-643-2788 or by mail at P.O. Box 11966, Station Main, Edmonton Alberta T5J 3L1.