On-Farm Slaughter Operation Licence Application
Albertans can apply for licence to operate as an On-Farm Slaughter Operation under the Meat Inspection Act and Meat Inspection Regulation.
Please review the following legislative requirements and responsibilities before filling out application form.
Related Legislative Requirements:
- Meat Inspection Act
- Licences 3.1
- Slaughter of animals 4 (1)
- Condemning meat unfit for food 6
- Offence and penalty 10
- Meat Inspection Regulation
- Alternative methodology on religious grounds 8
- Approvals 9 (2)
- Licences 11 (1) (d)
- Transfer of License 13 (1), (2), (3)
- Method of Slaughter 22.1 (1), (2)
- Uninspected Slaughter Operations Part 4.1, Section 31.1 - 31.7
- Transportation of carcasses 33 (1), (2)
- Reporting 34
- Maximum allowable number of animals 34.1
- Compliance with orders 76
- Identification and notice of uninspected meat 78 (2)
- Transfer of Meat 79
- Animal Protection Act
- Prohibition against causing distress - Section 2 (1), (1.1)
- Animal care duties - Section 2.1
- Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation
- Guidance on Specified Risk Material
- Definitions
- Part I: Removal of Specified Risk Materials
- Part II: Enhanced Feed ban controls and SRM management
- Specified Risk Material Permits
- Premises Identification Number
- PID application
- Humane Transport and Animal Welfare (CFIA)
- Animal welfare
- Unfit or compromised animals
- Cold weather transport
- Regulatory guidance
- Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA)
- Traceability - retiring of CCIA tags
- Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP)
- Traceability - retiring of CSIP tags
- Livestock Identification and Commerce Act
- Livestock Brands - Part 1
- Livestock Transactions and Transportation and Inspection of Livestock - Part 2
- Dealing in Livestock and Livestock Products - Part 3
- Livestock Industry Diversification Act
- Hunting 18.01
- Domestic Cervid Industry Regulation
- Registration and Identification, Section 21-24
- Mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program
- Overview
- Purpose and Objectives of the program
- Producer Responsibilities
- Meat Inspection Act
Licensee Responsibilities:
- Licence holders are responsible for reviewing and following applicable legislation and other licensee responsibilities as identified on the application form.
- Slaughter at an OFSO is to be conducted outside on the licensed plot of land. The slaughter process is not permitted to be conducted in a building.
- Licence holders are responsible for adequately labelling product with:
- Uninspected - Not for sale
- Name of slaughter operation
- Slaughter date (including year, month and day)
- Licence holders are responsible for adequately labeling uninspected slaughter waste used for bait, with:
- Name of the slaughter operation
- The slaughter date (including year, month and day)
- Licence holders are responsible for providing potable water.
- Licence holders may choose to slaughter under their licence, or may authorize any person to slaughter under their licence. The licence holder shall ensure that the animal(s) are slaughtered humanely and safely. Every carcass must be kept in a safe and sanitary manner and at a temperature that ensures that meat will be free of spoilage and contamination.
- Zoning restrictions limit slaughter in some areas such as a county and/or a municipality. The licence holder is responsible for ensuring compliance with bylaws in their county or municipality.
- Licence holders transporting and disposing of cattle tissue with specified risk material (SRM) require a permit.
- Applicants that also hold an Agriculture and Irrigation (AGI) facility license (mobile butcher or abattoir) for the same plot of land as the on-farm slaughter operations are required to show that the on-farm licence slaughter premise and activities are separated from the meat facility premise and activities.
- Licence holders are required to submit quarterly reports within 2 weeks of the end of the quarter. (Reporting requirements listed under More Information)
Reporting Requirements:
On-Farm Slaughter Operation licence holders must submit a report within 2 weeks of the end of each of these quarters:
- Quarter 1: January to March
- Quarter 2: April to June
- Quarter 3: July to September
- Quarter 4: October to December
Please go to the reporting requirements on the On-Farm Slaughter Operation webpage for further information and to access the On-Farm Slaughter Operation reporting form.
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