Fishing Licences
Going fishing? Unless you qualify for an age or other exemption, pack a licence with your gear.
To purchase an Alberta sportfishing licence online, you will need:
- a valid credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express)
- an email address (to receive up-to-date information about Alberta regulations)
- a Wildlife Identification Number (WIN).
If you don’t have a WIN, you can apply for a Wildlife Identification Number online (or renew an existing one or replace a card) before purchasing a fishing licence. On the application, you will be asked to provide a driver’s licence number, health care card number or Canadian passport number to verify your identity.
You aren't required to purchase a sportfishing licence in Alberta if you are any of the following:
- under 16 years of age
- an Alberta resident 65 years of age or older
- a person who holds a Certificate of Indian Status in accordance with the federal Indian Act.
Find a Registry Agent
Select your registry agent. Registry agents offer registration, information and licensing services on behalf of government. The Government of Alberta is working collaboratively with registry agents to bring more government services online. You are not required to visit the selected registry agent.

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