Experienced Tradesperson Assessments
Assess your skills, knowledge, and experience in the trades to obtain an Alberta trade certificate.
Alberta’s Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) website has the information you need to work in a trade in Alberta. The Trades Qualifier Program provides experienced tradespeople with an opportunity to obtain an Alberta trade certificate.
You can obtain a trade certificate by demonstrating that your skills, knowledge and experience meet Alberta industry standards. Successful completion of one of more examinations is required.
MyTradesecrets allows new applicants and existing clients to apply for AIT programs and services using online applications. Not only does the online process enable individuals to complete their applications electronically, it provides a step-by-step guide through the application process including drop-down lists and mandatory information prompts. Only applications with all required information can be submitted.
Alberta developed its apprenticeship and industry training system with industry in order to create a highly skilled, educated and competitive workforce.
For more information please see the related links below.
Find a Registry Agent
Select your registry agent. Registry agents offer registration, information and licensing services on behalf of government. The Government of Alberta is working collaboratively with registry agents to bring more government services online. You are not required to visit the selected registry agent.

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